The Messengers of Allah - Continued
Proclamations by the most Honourable Allah
Translation ( [40:52] Most surely We help Our Messengers and those who believe, both in the present life and on the day when the witnesses will stand forth, یقیناً ہم اپنے رسولوں کی اور اُن کی جو ایمان لائے اِس دنیا کی زندگی میں بھی مدد کریں گے اور اُس دن بھی جب گواہ کھڑے ہوں گے۔ |
Al-Mo’min Chapter 40: Verse 52 ![]() |
My Fellow Pakistanis; please, pay appropriate attention to the advices of your Allah. Please, see the above noted declaration (Al-Momin Chapter 40: Verse 52) of the most Honourable Allah and demonstrate your respect for the TRUTH of these words of Allah. Please, realize that whenthe verses of the Holy Qur’an are shown & stated before you, then it becomes your duty to show due respect for the message (advice) which is stated in those verses. You have the legitimate right to accept or to reject; some interpretations of those verses, but you must NOT overlook/ignore or by-pass those verses of the Holy Qur’an.
Demonstrate with your efforts, that you do care, for the words (messages) of theAlmighty Allah.
Please, notice the promise of Allah regarding continued نُصرت help (support, aid) of all those people, who accept the messengers of Allah, in the verse, shown at the top of this page. Please, notice, that this commitment is for continued support/help نُصرت of Allah, during worldly life of the believers. The only condition for continued support of Allah; is to be the believers. With reference to this particular verse, the condition is; to acceptthose messengers, who are described in this verse.
The circumstances of our nation do not suggest that our nation is getting help or support نُصرت from the Almighty Allah. Our circumstances and situations suggest that; our nation is under steadily increasing azaab عذاب from Allah.
Please, think about it. IF our nation is the nation of believers, then, why is our nation being punished? There must be some sensible justification for our miserable circumstances. Please, remember that Allah (the most Honourable) does not back away from his declarations. He will honour his declarations in verse 40: 52 as well as in the verse 3: 57. Helping the believers is a commitment and punishing these who do NOT believe his messengers is also a commitment.
O’ my beloved people of my nation! Let our Honourable ALLAH be reckoned as true, with each of his word, even if,the opinions, views and beliefs of the majority of our people have to be declared false.
Since the creation of Pakistan, our nation has consistently misunderstood the term; خاتم النبین and based on that wrong understanding, our nation excluded the possibility for messengers of Allah, to come into our nation. Although, our Allah is the most forgiving and most merciful, but at the same time, the Most Honourable Allah, cannot breach his commitments.
Our nation has consistently disregarded all those verses of the Holy Qur’an, which are explicitly advising us for continuous arrival of the messengers of Allah, in all nations. That is the reason, why our nation is experiencing consistently increasing azaab عذاب from Allah. Please, read and analyze the following verse of the Holy Qur’an.
Translation ( [3:57]‘Then as for those who disbelieve, I will punish them with a severe punishment in this world and in the next, and they shall have no helpers.We never punish until We have sent a Messenger. پس جہانتک ان لوگوں کا تعلق ہے جنہوں نے کفر کیا تو اُن کو میں اِس دنیا میں بھی اور آخرت میں بھی شدید عذاب دوں گا اور ان کے کوئی مددگار نہیں ہوں گے۔ |
Aal-e-Imran Chapter 3 : Verse 57 ![]() |
The most Honourable Allahhas declared that He will severely punishthe people (nation), who reject/negate the messengers of Allah. Our Honourable Allah honours all of his statements.
I believe; that the AZAAB, referred in this verse is only for those people (nation), who rejected the messenger or messengers of Allah. Because; of another declaration, that Allah will NEVER send any AZAAB without first sending or appointing a messenger to warn those people.
Translation ( [17:16] He who follows the right way follows it only for the good of his own soul: and he who goes astray, goes astray only to his own loss. And no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another. We never punish until We have sent a Messenger. جو ہدایت پا جائے وہ خود اپنی جان ہی کے لئے ہدایت پاتا ہے اور جو گمراہ ہو تو وہ اسی کے مفاد کے خلاف گمراہ ہوتا ہے۔ اور کوئی بوجھ اٹھانے والی کسی دوسری کا بوجھ نہیں اٹھائے گی۔ اور ہم ہرگز عذاب نہیں دیتے یہاں تک کہ کوئی رسول بھیج دیں (اور حجت تمام کردیں)۔ |
Bani-Israel: chapter 17 Verse 16 ![]() |
Our beloved nation came into existence on 14th of August 1947. Allah has promised that He had sent messengers to every nation and every town of the word. Allah does not change/abandon his practices. How could it happen that this nation, which was born in 1947, did NOT receive any of the messengers from the Almighty Allah? Please, remember, that are manynew towns/cities, in Pakistan, which did NOT exist, before 1947. For Example: Islamabad ………
Our nation must have rejected (many) messengers of Allah, since 1947, because of our collective misperception; that there is NO messenger of Allah, after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).Please, think for the sake of the Honour and dignity of the Almighty Allah.
Points to Ponder:
Supposing, that no messenger from Allah has come, since the last 1400 years, then how can this above noted verses of the Holy Qur’an be true:
IF, Allah DID NOT punish (Sent Azaab) any people, individuals, towns or nations, during the last 1300 years, then; the verse 3: 57 becomes false. The commitment was to punish during this life as well.
IF, Allah did punish anyone (people or town) during last 1300 years, then the verse of the Holy Qur’an (17: 16) becomesfalse. Please, think deeply about these verses. The commitment is that Allah will NOT punish, unless a messenger has been sent or appointed.
How, will Allah help the messengers and their believers, as promised in verse 40: 52, if there are NO messengers? Please, notice, it is more than ONE messenger. All such people and all those messengers must be alive in this world, after the publication of Holy Qur’an.
The Solution:
Suppose; that some messengers of Allah must have come during last 1400 years as stated by the Almighty Allah, in many verses of the Holy Qur’an. (See parts 1, 2, 3 of this Article-1 on this website, for references). Please, analyze the following relevant verses of the Holy Qur’an.
Translation ( [23:45] Then We sent Our Messengers one after another. Every time there came to a people their Messenger, they treated him as a liar. So We made them follow one another to destruction and We made them mere tales. Cursed, then, be the people who believe not! پھر ہم نے اپنے رسول پے در پے بھیجے۔ جب بھی کسی امّت کی طرف اس کا رسول آیا تو انہوں نے اسے جھٹلا دیا۔ پس ہم اُن میں سے بعض کو بعض دوسروں کے پیچھے لائے پھر ہم نے اُنہیں قصّے کہانیاں بنا دیا۔ پس لعنت ہو اَیسی قوم پر جو ایمان نہیں لاتے۔ |
Al-Mo’menun Chapter 23, Verse 45 ![]() |
Translation [5:20] Attention; All People of the Book! Take Notice that our Messenger has reached among you over successive period for messengers. So that; you may not claim (argue) that, no advisor/messenger and no warner had come to us. Therefore, the messenger and the warner, has actually arrived among you. And Allah has power to do all things. Note: This is my interpretation that علٰی فَترَۃً means, period over period. |
Al-Mai’da Chapter 5, Verse 20 ![]() |
Please, note, that verse 23: 45 declares continuous- تَترَا - sending of messengers, in each and every “UMMAT” before the revelation of this particular verse. Verse 5: 20 is the guidance for its time of revelation, and for all times, after that revelation.
Translation [35:44]Out of arrogance in the earth and evil plotting. But the evil plot encompasses none but the authors thereof. Do they then look for anything but God’s way of dealing with the peoples of old? You will never find any change in the ways of Allah; nor will you ever find any alteration in the ways of Allah. |
Al-Fatir Chapter 35 : Verse 44 ![]() |
This verse 35: 44 has clearly confirmed that exactly as Our Allah had continuously sent his messengers for all nations (Ummats) before Islam (verse 23: 45), similarly Allah will continue his practice (ways) for our nation as well.
Verse 5:20 describes that Allah wants to make sure, that NO ONE should have a just claim, that messengers did NOT reach them, during their lifetime upon this earth. Therefore, Allah had sent his messengers, in successive periods. The validity (accuracy) of this verse will be compromised if two or more generations of an Ummats, passes away without having any messenger among them.Please, think about the dignity of the words of the most MagnificentAllah.
My honourable Brothers, Sisters, Friends and Companions; Our Allah is the most forgiving and most merciful. Most of my Pakistani Brothers and Sisters had NOT recognized these verses of the Holy Qur’an, as you might have found (understood) after reading this Article. Any one, who seeks the forgiveness of Allah with honest intention, shall certainly find that Allah has easily forgiven him or her. Now, that you have seen these noble verses, please discard any ideology, that CONTRADICTS with the actual (true) word of our Loving Master, our Allah.
How beautifully, every verse becomes understandable, logical and rational, if we realize that messengers of Allah have always been coming to every nation as and when the All-Knowing Allah, decided to send them. One thing is definite. All the verses of the Holy Qur’an are the words of the Most Magnificent Allah. Any view, opinion or belief that destroys the credibility and meanings of these verses of the Holy Qur’an is definitely wrong. If an interpretation of the Holy Qur’an suggests that any verses haveconfusing, unrealistic, irrational meanings, then, that interpretation itself is wrong.
There are numerous other verses of the Holy Qur’an, which are irrefutable evidences, to prove that the Almighty Allah has never stopped sending messengers. For example; it is impossible to justify that NOTION for end of the messengers of Allah and the validity of verse number 23:52 at the same time. Please see this following verse and think, if there are NO messengers, after Hazrat Muhammad, peace be upon him, then the verse 23: 52 becomes INVALID.
Translation ( [23:52] O ye Messengers, eat of the things that are pure, and do good works. Verily, I am well aware of what you do. اے رسولو! پاکیزہ چیزوں میں سے کھایا کرو اور نیک اعمال بجا لاؤ۔ جو کچھ تم کرتے ہو اُس کا میں یقیناً دائماً علم رکھتا ہوں۔ |
Al-Mu’minun Chapter 23: verse 52 ![]() |
Please, think. Who are those multiple RASOOLS, who are addressed in this verse of the Holy Qur’an? Allah is definitely sensible and wise. Please, think with open minds and hearts.
May the Almighty Allah, shower his blessings, mercy, guidance, and forgiveness to all people of my nation, who have sincerely read these articles. May my Loving and Caring Allah keep the readers of this Article: safe, happy, prosperous, kind and respected in their homes and in their communities! Amen. Thank you for your time and your attention for this subject.
Mohammad Aslam Chaudhry