The Messengers of Allah - Continued
This article is a continuation of previous two articles. The topic of discussion is: What are the actual commandments (words) of Allah, about sending more messengers towards the mankind, after, the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh)?
We understand that there is no contradiction in the verses of the Holy Qur’an. We are committed to honour and to submit to each verse of the Holy Qur’an.
The honourable readers are expected to have unconditional determination, that they will respect the words of Allah, even if, the advice of Allah is directly OPPOSITE to their current beliefs. They will NOT allow any other authority (book or person) to overrule the commandments of our most Honourable, most dignified and All-Knowing Allah.
The All-Knowing Allah has installed a heavenly system for understanding the correct meanings of his Holy Verses of Qur’an. He has provided multiple verses for every important subject/topic, so that his obedient servants may understand TRUE meaning or sense of those topics. Allah has narrated (explained) the subjects in multiple ways and angles. The servants of Allah, who will uphold the principle, that there are NO contradictions in the statements of our Allah, can easily recognize if they have misinterpreted any verse of Qur’an. The wrong interpretation, of any one verse, will vividly contradict, clash and disagree with multiple other verses of the Holy Qur’an. This built-in divine system for accurate understanding of statements of the Almighty Allah is active, alive and present in Holy Qur’an.
Only a wrong interpretation will contradict/clash with other verses of the Holy Qur’an.
It must be evident to sincere readers; that the commonly accepted perception or understanding of the term -- Khatam-un-Nabe’en خاتم النبین -- contradicts with the meanings of many other verses of the Holy Qur’an. (See article-1: part 1and 2, on this website)
In this article, I am presenting further evidence, from the Holy Qur’an, which indicates that the commonly accepted interpretation of the words -- Khatam-un-Nabe’en خاتم النبین -- is definitely wrong or misunderstood, by vast majority of the people of my nation (Pakistani).
In my opinion:
The term -- Khatam-un-Nabe’en خاتم النبین -- represents; the person who certifies or confirms the authenticity of prophets of Allah. It means that it is a designation, and the function of this designation is to add more prophets to the existing list of already known (recognized, acknowledged) prophets.
The term -- Khatam-un-Nabe’en خاتم النبین – have absolutely nothing to do with; ending or finishing or being the last of the prophets. It is a verifiable fact, that the holy Prophet (pbuh) had actually, acknowledged and confirmed many prophets, who were not known as prophets, before the Holy prophet pbuh had announced to his followers (Ummat). That is the meaning & function of the term: - Khatam-un-Nabe’en خاتم النبین –.
Many people of my nation believe; that Allah has NOT sent any other (messenger) person, on any part of this world, after the Holy prophet, Hazrat Muhammad pbuh. This notion (belief, idea) is directly conflicting with my opinion, which is presented in previous two paragraphs. One significant reason for this mistaken belief is; the lack of distinction between the term, prophet and the term messenger. Most people believe that everyone, who is sent by Almighty Allah, has to be a prophet. This perception of absolute similarity is NOT accurate.
It is true that every NABI is also a messenger (sent by Allah) but I am NOT sure, whether, every RASOOL رسول is also a prophet نبی of Allah. Our discussion (subject) should remain focused on; continuous coming of the messengers (رسول) of Allah.
Please, read the following verses and the accompanied translations/commentary. The statements of our Allah must be considered superior than any other views, opinions, suggestions, persons or books. Your heart will lead you to the feeling of truth and confidence. انشاءَ اللہ
Evidence 1
Translation ( [28:60] And thy Lord would never destroy the towns until He has raised in the mother town thereof a Messenger, reciting unto them Our Signs; nor would We destroy the towns unless the people thereof are wrongdoers. اور تیرا ربّ بستیوں کو ہلاک نہیں کرتا یہاں تک کہ ان (بستیوں) کی ماں میں رسول مبعوث کرچکا ہوتا ہے جو اُن پر ہماری آیات پڑھتا ہے۔ اور ہم اس کے سوا بستیوں کو ہلاک نہیں کرتے کہ ان کے بسنے والے ظالم ہوچکے ہوں۔ |
Al-Qasas: Chapter 28: Verse 60 ![]() |
Your Lord, Cannot destroy any towns UNLESS, Allah has appointed a messengers in the main (central) town of those towns. That messenger will narrate the signs of Allah to the people of those Towns. And we (Allah and his Angels) cannot destroy any towns, unless the residents of those towns are transgressors. According to the Dignity and Grace of the Almighty Allah, each of these two conditions must be fulfilled before Allah orders the destruction of any TOWN.
Please, imagine or investigate, how many towns were destroyed during last 1400 years? This verse applies to ALL the towns of the world. Think about all those towns of the world which may have been destroyed during last 1400 years.
Just remember and think about the Halakat of the town of Balakot, Pakistan, on 8th of October, 2005. The town of Balakot and its surrounding small towns were destroyed as described in this verse of the Holy Qur’an. Whereas, this verse 28:60 is definitely true, therefore, at least ONE messenger must have been appointed for this particular town of Balakot, before October 2005.
Does your mind accept any explanation that it was NOT the Halakat of the towns (Balakot and its surroundings) exactly as described in this verse 28:60? Supposing, the term “Halakat” is not acceptable, then would you accept the term; عذاب الٰہی Azaab of Allah, for that earth quake?
Believing that this statement of the Almighty Allah is true, then at least, one messenger of Allah, must have been in Balakot, prior to the devastation of that town. Only; the Almighty Allah could cause such destruction (Halakat) of the town of Balakot and its surroundings. Is it possible; that Allah did NOT sent a messenger to the town of Balakot, before October 2005?
During our own life times; Balakot, Pakistan was destroyed. The city of Port Au Prince, Haiti, was destroyed. A town Sendai near Fukushima, Japan, was destroyed. A town, Banda-Ache in Indonesia was destroyed.
If you accept that this verse is actually true, then you have to acknowledge that some messenger (رسول) must have come in each of these towns, before these towns were destroyed. Please, think about it. Let God alone be true, even if everyone else is proved wrong by such declaration.
If you revise your understanding of the term -- Khatam-un-Nabe’en خاتم النبین -- then the correct interpretation will NOT contradict with this verse 28:60 and any other verse on this subject.
The Lord of the entire Universe, vividly claims, that; He (Allah) does NOT destroy any towns, UNLESS, He has sent down upon those towns, a WARNER or any person sent by Allah, who is from among those very towns/people. {commonly known as messenger of Allah or (رسول)}
Please, think about this situation. If you feel some perplexity, you can request the All-knowing Allah to guide you in this matter. Allah has promised to guide everyone who desires to seek his guidance. May Allah help all he readers to understand Allah’s true message. Aameen
Evidence 2
Allah does not punish any TOWN OR PEOPLE, unless, Allah has appointed a messenger (رسول) for those people or town. The following verse (17: 16) explicitly declares that; Allah will NOT reprimand or punish anyone (person, nation, people or town) for the crime or negligence of any other (person, nation, people or town).
Translation ( [17:16] He who follows the right way follows it only for the good of his own soul: and he who goes astray, goes astray only to his own loss. And no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another. We never punish until We have sent a Messenger. جو ہدایت پا جائے وہ خود اپنی جان ہی کے لئے ہدایت پاتا ہے اور جو گمراہ ہو تو وہ اسی کے مفاد کے خلاف گمراہ ہوتا ہے۔ اور کوئی بوجھ اٹھانے والی کسی دوسری کا بوجھ نہیں اٹھائے گی۔ اور ہم ہرگز عذاب نہیں دیتے یہاں تک کہ کوئی رسول بھیج دیں (اور حجت تمام کردیں)۔ |
Bani-Israel: chapter 17 Verse 16 ![]() |
All-Knowing Allah has further explained the declaration, which is stated in verse (28:60). This verse has added even more clarifications of the topic of appointment of messengers. Notice the sentences used and their correlation with each other.
The declaration in this verse, states; We (Allah) do NOT punish unless we appoint a messenger. Accordingly, the most Honourable Allah will not GIVE any punishment (including Halakat); at any time (this life or after life) and to any people or nation or towns UNLESS; Allah has sent or appointed a messenger (رسول) among those people or nations or towns.
There is another assurance, that; the burden of one (people, towns, individuals or nations) will not & never be applied upon the other (people, towns, individuals). Notice the excellence, in the structure of these sentences. Allah did not specify who, the bearer of that burden is. Allah designed the sentences, to be applicable on all (people, towns, and individuals).
Please, notice, that Allah does not punish any (people, towns, individuals) unless messenger is appointed/sent to them. Think about Balakot and other towns, which were punished by Allah in recent times. Think about the situation which is currently prevailing in my Pakistan. May Allah guide our nation to understand the true sense and understanding of his words !!!! Aameen
Evidence 3
Translation ( [6:131] ‘O company of Jinn and men! did not Messengers come to you from among yourselves who related to you My Signs and who warned you of the meeting of this your day?’ They will say, ‘We bear witness against ourselves.’ And the worldly life deceived them. And they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers. اے جنوں اور عوام الناس کے گروہو! کیا تمہارے پاس تم ہی میں سے رسول نہیں آئے جو تمہارے سامنے میری آیات بیان کیا کرتے تھے اور تمہیں تمہاری اِس دن کی ملاقات سے ڈرایا کرتے تھے؟ تو وہ کہیں گے کہ (ہاں) ہم اپنے ہی نفوس کے خلاف گواہی دیتے ہیں۔ اور انہیں دنیا کی زندگی نے دھوکہ میں مبتلا کر دیا تھا اور وہ خود اپنے خلاف گواہی دیں گے کہ وہ کفر کرنے والے تھے۔ |
Al-anaam: chapter 6 verse 131 ![]() |
Translation ( [6:132] That is because thy Lord would not destroy the towns unjustly while their people were unwarned. یہ اس لئے (ہوگا) کہ اللہ کسی بستی کو ظلم سے ہلاک نہیں کرتا اس حال میں کہ اس کے رہنے والے غافل ہوں۔ |
Al-anaam: chapter 6 verse 132 ![]() |
These are other verses of the Holy Qur’an, which provide further explanation and confirmation on the subject of our discussion. According to these verses; Allah does not send Halakat on any towns or people or communities, without delivering proper warning. Allah proclaims that He had sent messengers to all groups of people (including of Jinn & of Inns) and those messengers were from among the same community, to which they were sent.
It is evident from verse 6:131, that those messengers must arrive in physical-form (in-person), otherwise it will be impossible to fulfill the condition of “narrating” the signs of Allah to the people of that town. It is mentioned in verse 6:131, therefore it must happen, as it is written.
The Question is; did the messengers not reach/come to you? Please make sure that you stick to the words of this question. Allah is NOT asking about history or stories about the messengers. Allah is asking DID THE MESSENGERS reach/come to your OR NOT? Please, be vigilant.
Verse 6:132 provides vividly clear evidence, that Allah does NOT destroy any Town, even if the people of that town are transgressors. As long as the people of any town are not duly warned by messengers, which are described in verse 6:131, those towns will not be destroyed.
Please, recall that Balakot and its surrounding towns were destroyed on 8th of October, 2005.
Keeping in mind the references (evidences), which are described in this article, please, consider the following questions:
Did we fail in recognizing and accepting a messenger of Allah, who was sent to BALAKOT or its vicinity, before October 2005?
What is the most appropriate translation/interpretation of these verses of the Holy Qur’an, which are discussed in this article, concerning the Halakat of towns?
May the Almighty Allah shower his blessings, mercy, forgiveness, love and care over all readers of this article. May Allah enlighten you minds and brighten every aspect of your life. Aameen
Mohammad Aslam Chaudhry