The Messengers of Allah - Continued
One or more Messengers of Allah has certainly arrived among all people & nations during the life time of each generation of people.
Evidence 1
Translation ( [35:37] But as for those who disbelieve, for them is the fire of Hell. Death will not be decreed for them so that they may die; nor will the punishment thereof be lightened for them. Thus do We requite every ungrateful person. اور وہ لوگ جنہوں نے انکار کیا ان کے لئے جہنم کی آگ ہے۔ نہ تو ان کا قضیہ چکایا جائے گا کہ وہ مر جائیں اور نہ ہی اس (آگ) کے عذاب میں ان سے کمی کی جائے گی۔ اسی طرح ہم ہر ناشکرے کو جزا دیا کرتے ہیں |
Al – Fatir, Chapter 35 Verse 37 ![]() |
Translation ( [35:38] And they will cry for help therein, ‘O our Lord, take us out, we will do righteous works other than those we used to do. Did We not give you a life long enough so that he who would reflect could reflect therein? And there came unto you a Warner too. So taste ye the punishment; for wrongdoers have no helper.’ اور وہ اس میں چیخ رہے ہوں گے۔ اے ہمارے ربّ! ہمیں نکال لے۔ ہم نیک اعمال بجا لائیں گے جو اُن سے مختلف ہوں گے جو ہم کیا کرتے تھے۔ کیا ہم نے تمہیں اتنی عمر نہیں دی تھی کہ جس میں کوئی نصیحت پکڑنے والا نصیحت پکڑ سکے؟ نیز تمہارے پاس ایک ڈرانے والا بھی آیا تھا۔ پس چکھو (اپنے ظلم کا بدلہ) اور ظلم کرنے والوں کے حق میں کوئی مددگار نہیں۔ |
Al – Fatir, Chapter 35 Verse 38 ![]() |
And those people who denied/disbelieved (the message and/or the messenger of Allah) for them, is the Fire or Hell. The punishment/pain for them shall not be reduced neither will they die. This is how I (Allah) punish all those who have denied or disbelieved. (Please, notice the words “all deniers”, at the end of verse 37.)
They will be screaming in hell and begging their Lord to let them out of Hell. They will promise that will do good deeds but the All-Knowing Allah has firmly stated that; Did I NOT give you sufficient life time, during which, you could correct yourself and in which time a messenger had also arrived (reached in person) to your place/nation. Hence, endure result of your transgression. Here is no one to help the transgressors.
These two consecutive verses of the Holy Qur’an (Chapter 35 Verse 37 & 38) are the depiction of a situation that will take place, in our 2nd life.
Allah (the most wise) has narrated these verses, for guidance of all those, who accept Qur’an as the word of God. The guidance is certainly for the believers to tell them in advance that anyone who will deny (disbelieve) the messenger of his own time, will be thrown into Hell.
Please, notice that; أَوَلَمْ نُعَمِّرْكُم مَّا يَتَذَكَّرُ فِيهِ مَن تَذَكَّرَ وَجَاءَكُمُ النَّذِيرُ is one sentence, therefore, the words أَوَلَمْ نُعَمِّرْكُم must apply to both actions, stated in this sentence. Hence, this sentence of verse (35: 38) describes that Almighty Allah, will make the following two arguments;
- Did we not gave you enough age, during which, you could modify/cleans yourself?
- Did we not gave you enough age, during which time; a Warner had come to you?
Conclusions: Every respectable reader should make his own conclusion about the guidance and messages prescribed in these two noble verses of the Holy Qur’an. I am only presenting, what I consider as evident and definite conclusions from these two verses.
- All those who denied (new message or messengers from Allah) will be awarded similar and specified punishment (in the Fire of Hell).
- The response; أَوَلَمْ نُعَمِّرْكُم مَّا يَتَذَكَّرُ فِيهِ مَن تَذَكَّرَ وَجَاءَكُمُ النَّذِيرُ of the Almighty Allah has to be for; All those who denied (the message or the messengers from Allah).
- A messenger must have come during the life of each and every one of those people, who are being described in this verse as وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا the deniers.
- Either none of the people, who were born during last thirteen centuries, are considered deniers by the Almighty Allah OR, every one of them lived; for long enough AGE, so that a messenger (Warner), could have come to them, during their life time.
- I believe that a messenger must have come during life time of every person. Declaration of this verse is certainly true; therefore, a messenger must have come during the life time of every one of those people, who are mentioned in this verse.
Evidence 2
Translation ( [39:72] And those who disbelieve will be driven to Hell in troops until, when they reach it, its gates will be opened, and its Keepers will say to them: ‘Did not Messengers from among yourselves come to you, reciting unto you the Signs of your Lord, and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?’ They will say, ‘Yea, but the sentence of punishment has become justly due against the disbelievers.’ اور وہ لوگ جنہوں نے کفر کیا گروہ در گروہ جہنم کی طرف ہانکے جائیں گے۔ یہاں تک کہ جب وہ اس کے پاس آجائیں گے اس کے دروازے کھول دیئے جائیں گے اور اس کے داروغے ان سے کہیں گے کیا تمہارے پاس تم ہی میں سے رسول نہیں آئے تھے جو تم پر تمہارے ربّ کی آیات کی تلاوت کرتے تھے اور تمہیں تمہارے اِس دن کی لقا سے ڈرایا کرتے تھے؟ وہ کہیں گے کیوں نہیں۔ لیکن عذاب کا فرمان کافروں پر یقیناً صادق آگیا۔ |
Al-Zumar Chapter 39: verse 72 ![]() |
All of those people who refused to accept (denied or disbelieved), will be driven towards Hell, in groups. When they will reach there (Hell), the gates of Hell will be opened. At that time (before they have entered the Hell or at the reception desk) the caretakers/officials of Hell will ask them Did the messengers (who were from among your own people) NOT come/reach to you?
We are asking about those people, from within your own tribe/nation/town, who recited before you or who explained to you, verses of your Lord and/or any other signs of your Lord (Allah). And they would have warned you about this day of Judgment. Did, NO such person come to you?
In response to such questions at the Reception Desk (Gate) of the Hell, the disbelievers will say (declare) that YES! (Such messengers had come to us during our life time). And it occurred; that the declaration of punishment for disbelievers (deniers) is proved true.
Any person, who will sincerely analyze this verse (39: 72) will notice that this verse is an explicit declaration by almighty Allah, that each and every one of the disbelievers (کافرین) was visited by at least one messenger, during his life on earth.
This verse provides concrete evidence that, the All-knowing Allah is specifically asking about ONLY those messengers; who were from among the same group of people. It is impossible to justify this reference with wrong assumptions of a messenger, who has passed a century ago or who was not from the same country and same language area.
Please, think about these words (Rossolum-Minkum - رسل منکم ). It is important to realize that the word “Rossolum” can only be used for more than one messengers. The word - منکم is very important for true understanding of the message in this verse. It has been usually overlooked in Urdu translations of this verse. Please, do not let the word - منکم - be ignored, when thinking about the meanings of this verse.
Allah is the most dignified and the wisest. When Allah says Rossolum, then He certainly means more than one Rasools. If Allah says, “Rossolum-Minkum”, then He is talking about, only those messengers, who belong to same group of people (geographic and ethnic groups), to whom Allah is addressing. The sense of the word منکم “from among you” should be carefully considered.
The Question asked in this verse is الم یاتکم “Did they NOT reach to you”? In order for us to honour every word of our Magnificent Allah, we must not ignore or change any word of God. Allah has correctly and knowingly used each and every word of this verse. Firmly hold that the verse is true. A wise person should not change the meanings of the verse of Allah, to make the verse, compatible with his existing beliefs/ideas. He should change his beliefs/Notions, so that; his belief/notion becomes compatible with the verses of our Allah.
Every group answers; that YES! The messengers of Allah had actually come to us, from among ourselves. This answer of the disbelievers (کافرین) is quoted by Almighty Allah; therefore, it is beyond any doubt, that those disbelievers will actually give this answer.
BUT; this answer can only be true, if the messengers of Allah had actually come to each group of disbelievers, during their respective life times, upon this earth.
With reference to these honourable words of my Allah (this verse), any honest person will have to conclude or at least think that;
- The messengers of Allah have been (consistently) coming in every nation and in every religion. These messengers are appointed from among the same nation for which they are appointed. It means that numerous messengers of Allah must have come, even after the advent Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh).
- All the disbelievers (کافرین), who are referred in this verse, can only be those people, who denied or rejected those messengers; who came to them, during their own life time.
The readers are encouraged to make their own conclusions. Please, go to the Contact section and write your questions or acceptance for my conclusion.
Evidence 3
Translation ( [40:50] And those in the Fire will say to the Keepers of Hell, ‘Pray to your Lord that He may lighten for us the punishment for a single day.’ اور وہ لوگ جو آگ میں ہوں گے جہنّم کے داروغوں سے کہیں گے کہ اپنے ربّ سے دعا کرو کہ ہم سے کسی دن تو کچھ عذاب ہلکا کردے |
Al-Mum’in Chapter 40: verse 50 ![]() |
Translation ( [40:51] They will say: ‘Did not your Messengers come to you with manifest Signs?’ They will say: ‘Yea.’ The Keepers will say, ‘Then pray on.’ But the prayer of disbelievers is of no avail. وہ کہیں گے تو پھر کیا تمہارے پاس تمہارے رسول کھلے کھلے نشانات کے ساتھ نہیں آتے رہے؟ وہ کہیں گے ہاں! کیوں نہیں۔ وہ جواب دیں گے پھر دعا کرو مگرکافروں کی دعا بے کار جانے کے سوا کوئی حیثیت نہیں رکھتی۔ |
Al-Mum’in Chapter 40: verse 51 ![]() |
The most Magnificent Allah has narrated another situation, so that the seekers of truth, who read the Holy Qur’an, should get another example to understand the subject of continuous coming of messengers. In these two verses, an appeal form ALL THOSE WHO ARE IN HELL is quoted. Once again, all the people in Hell; are admitting/confirming that; Messengers of Allah had come to them (when they were living upon earth).
How could all those people of Hell, admit or confirm that messengers had come to them, if NO messengers had come in any part of the world, after the advent of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).
Is it possible that so many Ula-Maa (interpreters of Qur’an) might have misunderstood the term خاتم النبیین Khatam-un-Nabe’en? We must remember that All the verses of the Holy Qur’an are certainly true and accurate. There is definitely NO CONTRADICTION in any of the verses. We are seeing direct contradiction; between general understanding about the term خاتم النبیین and the information (sense, idea) presented in this verse 40: 51.
The readers, must decide (analyze and pray and honour the words of their LORD). Think about it and just desire for guidance from the All-Knowing Allah. I (Mohammad Aslam Chaudhry) Solemnly declare, that I have numerous personal experiences that Allah actually guides, teaches and explains the meanings of his words (verses and words in the Holy Qur’an).
Evidence 4
Translation ( [67:9] It would almost burst with fury. Whenever a host of disbelievers is cast into it the wardens thereof will ask them, ‘Did no Warner come to you?’ قریب ہے کہ وہ غیظ سے پھٹ جائے۔ جب بھی اس میں کوئی گروہ جھونکا جائے گا اس کے داروغے ان سے پوچھیں گے، کیا تمہارے پاس کوئی ڈرانے والا نہیں آیا تھا؟ |
Al-Mul’k Chapter 67 Verse 9 ![]() |
Translation ( [67:10] They will say, “Yea, verily, a Warner did come to us, but we treated him as a liar, and we said: ‘Allah has not revealed anything; you are but in great error. وہ کہیں گے کیوں نہیں، ہمارے پاس ڈرانے والا ضرور آیا تھا پس ہم نے (اُسے) جھٹلا دیا اور ہم نے کہا اللہ نے کوئی چیز نہیں اتاری، تم محض ایک بڑی گمراہی میں (مبتلا) ہو۔ |
Al-Mul’k Chapter 67 Verse 10 ![]() |
These two verses provide another proof that کلما القی فیھا (every group that will be thrown down in the Hell) will be asked similar question, which is mentioned in previous evidences. Had the messenger (s) NOT come to you, where you lived? Each group; will confirm and admit that the Warners (messengers of Allah) had come to them.
This verse 67:10, further explains How and why these groups of deniers (کافرین) had denied, the messengers, who had come to them. انشاء اللھ We shall discuss this topic in another article.
- It is again confirmed that during the life time of all of these disbelievers (کافرین) the messengers of Allah, had come to them.
- Verse 67: 9 states the words کلما القی فیھا Hence, it refers to all those who are thrown into the Hell, including those disbelievers, who are born after the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and before today. Please, think. Either the messengers have come to every part of the world OR anyone, who is born during past 1400 years, in any part of the world, shall NOT be thrown into Hell. Please, choose, wisely.
Honourable Brothers and Sisters;
This article is an essential extension of article-1, which is already posted on this website. I have presented the words of our Allah in original Arabic text and its translations by two well reputed interpreters of the Holy Qur’an. I have stated my understanding as commentary on those verses because, what I have presented is not direct (word by word) translation of these verses.
I urge the readers to research through all or any translations but the focus of your expectation for true understanding must be aimed at the mercy of your most benevolent Allah. Just demonstrate to your real teacher (who cares for you - more than your physical parents) that you are sincerely trying to know the actual message of your loving Allah Gee. That’s all.......That’s all. You need to see the translations of the Arabic text into your language, so that you may demonstrate to your Allah that you are really trying to know the meanings of His Arabic Words. That’s all.
My beloved Brothers and Sisters; I assure you that you will be amazed by your own abilities in understanding and translating the words of the Holy Qur’an into your own language. Your own knowledge about the words of your Allah will be accompanied with confidence and proofs of the correctness of your understanding. All you require is; your honest desire, some effort and your absolute trust that your Allah (the writer of these verses) is present, when you are pondering over the meanings of any verse of the Holy Qur’an. Please, just try. انشاء اللھ We shall discuss this topic; Allah teaches the Qur’an in a later Video Lecture.
I want request the honourable readers to think about the verses/evidences that we have discussed in this article. Please, use any translation in your own language. Please, ask questions to people of your own community or Jama’at. There are God-fearing متقی people in every community and every religious section. The satisfaction of your own heart is the most important matter. Please, provide feedback, on the contact form, which is provided on this website.
Kindly analyze the following verse of the Holy Qur’an, which is related with this article.
Translation ( [7:7] And We will certainly question those to whom the Messengers were sent, and We will certainly question the Messengers. پس ہم ضرور اُن سے پوچھیں گے جن کی طرف پیغمبر بھیجے گئے تھے اور ہم ضرور پیغمبروں سے بھی پوچھیں گے۔ |
Al-A’raaf Chapter 7: Verse 7 ![]() |
Please, think about this verse. What could be asked from these messengers? What could be the answer? Is it reasonable; to ask a messenger about those people or those towns which did not exist during the life time of that messenger? Please, see further explanation in my next article.
May Allah bless all the readers with health, prosperity, wisdom, successes, happiness, harmony in their homes and their communities. Aameen
Mohammad Aslam Chaudhry